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How To Win The Girl: 5 Secrets To Win Her Heart

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By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

If you want to discover how to win the girl and, more importantly, how to win her heart – even if you’re introverted…

This article will show you how.

Forget all the listicles you read before.

They’ll only confuse you.

There are only 5 things that really move the needle.

And we’ll cover them right now!

Secret 1 – How To Win The Girl By Treating Her Like An Animal

How To Win The Girl By Treating Her Like An Animal

How To Win The Girl By Treating Her Like An Animal

A couple of days ago...

During my daily walk in the forest…

I walked by a playground.

And I saw a young boy, probably around 8 years old…

Sitting on top of a basketball ring.

And right under him is his mother, totally freaking out!

Commanding him to come down.


I could see she was scared.

She was having a visceral reaction to the situation.

Why am I sharing this?

Cause it’s the same when you want to win the girl.

To win her heart...

She first needs to have a visceral reaction to you.


Of course…

You don’t want her to be scared, like the mother of that child.


You want her to have another type of visceral reaction.

I call it visceral attraction.


You can’t win a woman’s heart…

If she’s not viscerally attracted to you.

And it’s the same for us men.

We can’t fall in love with a woman…

If we don’t feel a visceral attraction to her!

And by visceral attraction, I mean sexual attraction.

Aka, animalistic attraction!


That doesn’t mean she has to be miss world.


We do need to feel raw sexual attraction to a woman before falling in love with her.

It’s the same for the ladies.

They need to feel animalistic attraction to a man before they can fall in love with him.

And there are some excellent scientific and evolutionary reasons for that.

Which I’m not going to explain…

Cause that would be outside the scope of this article.

But for now…

It's important to understand that…

Before you can win a girl’s heart...

You must first make her viscerally attracted to you.

And most guys make the COLOSSAL mistake of skipping that step.

They think that to win her heart...

They need to go for her heart instantly.

But it doesn’t work like that.

You will only get to her heart if you first awaken her animalistic attraction to you!

So, the first tip I have for you is…

Learn about visceral/animalistic attraction first.

What causes it?

How can you create it?

Do that...

And her heart will follow automatically.

Now the subject of visceral attraction is a topic on its own.

So I won’t be able to write about it in this article.

But I have another article that shows you how to attract a woman instantly.


I’m going to work with a handful of clients one on one over the coming months.

Among other things…

We will go deep into visceral/animalistic attraction and how to create it with women.

If you want to join us, send me an email at [email protected]...

Put "One-on-One" in the subject line…

Tell me a bit about yourself...

And I'll get you all the details!


Once you have her attracted to you, it’s time for….

Secret 2 – How To Win The Girl By Flipping Her Soulmate Switch

How To Win The Girl By Flipping Her Soulmate Switch

How To Win The Girl By Flipping Her Soulmate Switch

I remember when I was younger…

One weekend…

I was home alone.

And I invited a girl to my place.

We went out for drinks first and later I took her back to my place.

And I was trying to sleep with her.

But she didn’t allow it to happen.

Each time we kissed, and I tried escalating, she became distant!

It looked like she only wanted to talk.


We talked!


About some random stuff.

And then she started asking me deeper and deeper questions.

You know…

About my past.

How I was like as a kid.

And so…

As we went down that road…

Something magical happened.

After we shared childhood memories, she lit up.

She was so much more into me from that moment on

She even told me:

“I didn’t know anything about you. I feel so much closer to you now. That’s what I was looking for the whole time.”

And suddenly...

She was all over me!

Now, we didn’t do it right there and then.


She asked me what my favorite food was…

And invited me for dinner at her place (yes, she was two years older than me and already lived on her own).

And when I arrived at her place…

She could barely wait for me to get inside.

Before we even could have dinner…

Her clothes flew off!

The point of this story?


There are a few.


Visceral attraction is usually not enough to win the girl.

You also need a deep bond!


When a girl is viscerally attracted to you…

She will push for this deep bond.

And that’s an important concept to understand.

You see…

Most men make a mistake to go for that deep emotional connection first.

In other words…

They try to push that connection before the woman is ready for it.


If she’s not viscerally attracted to you…

The only thing this will do…


Land your ass in the friendzone!

You see…

She needs to first WANT that deep emotional connection.

And this motivation needs to come from that visceral place.


There’s a reason why women want this emotional connection when they feel viscerally attracted to a man.

And it’s because they know that when there’s a deep connection…

The likelihood of the guy sticking around after sex…

Is much bigger!

Cause women have a massive fear of being pumped and dumped.

So once a woman is ready to deeply connect with you…

How do you do it?


There’s a simple system that I use.

I call it the Soulmate Switch.

And here’s how you flip that switch.

There are three steps.


You want to go for what I call light rapport.

You do that by talking about light rapport topics.






Once you have light rapport with a woman…

You want to create a deep connection.

And you do that by talking about deeper topics.




Character traits.

Childhood memories.


Embarrassing moments in life.

Dreams and ambitions.


Once you have deep rapport…

It’s more than enough to win the girl (assuming she also feels visceral attraction).


You can take it to an even deeper level.

I call it the soulmate level.

And that’s the level where you flip the soulmate switch.

The way you do it is pretty simple.

You get her talking about her deepest passions in life…

And then…

You simply empathize with the reasons why it’s a passion for her.

This works only when you talk about passions.

Not hobbies.

Hobbies are powerful too.

But a real passion…

That’s where you can flip the soulmate switch.

Cause it's something she feels really deeply about.


If you can validate her on her passion plus show her you understand “why” she feels so passionate about this…

Assuming she’s also viscerally attracted to you…

You’ll flip the soulmate switch.

But I need to warn you…

Do not flip the soulmate switch…

If you don’t plan on keeping her as a girlfriend.

Cause if you break up with her after this…

She will be devastated.


I'm going to work with a handful of private clients one on one over the following months.

Among other things...

We’ll dive deep into the soulmate switch and exactly “how” to do it.

If you want to join us, send me an email at [email protected]....

Put "One-on-One" in the subject line…

Tell me a bit about yourself, and I'll get you all the details.


Once you have a deep bond with a woman, it’s now time for…

Secret 3 – How To Win The Girl Using The 50 Shades Of Grey Method

How To Win The Girl Using The 50 Shades Of Gray Method

How To Win The Girl Using The 50 Shades Of Gray Method

I still remember when the book 50 Shades Of Grey was released in 2011.

The whole world was talking about it.

And women were loving it.


I got curious.

Why were women going bananas for this book?


It didn’t take me long to figure it out.

The whole book is written in a way that “arouses” them.

And they can’t get enough of it.

Many women read it over and over again.


Is there a lesson in this book?

Yep, definitely!

Here it is:

Arousal works!

Which brings me to my point.

Once you have a woman is viscerally attracted to you and feels a deep connection with you…

You already won her mind…

And a “piece” of her heart…

But the process is not complete yet.

You still need to win her body.

And the best way to do that, at this point…

Is to arouse her.

Cause once a woman is aroused by you…

While she feels attracted to you and has a deep bond with you…

She will rip your clothes off!

As if you were a sexual fantasy straight out of 50 shades of grey.


How do you arouse them?


You do it by talking about sexual stuff.


Hold your horses, buddy!

You can’t just start by describing your favorite porn clips from Pornhub.

You see…

Before you can get to the sexual talk…

You first need to go through the sensual talk.

Cause women get more excited by talking about sensual


Stuff like talking about her first kiss, massages, etc.

Once she’s comfortable with that…

You can turn up the heat – little by little.

Until you talk about full-blown sexual stuff.

Like her favorite position…

Or when she lost her virginity, etc.


Be careful!

If you've done everything, we talked about so far…

She might jump on you!

And once that happens…

It’s time for the final step to totally win her heart.

Secret 4 – How To Win The Girl By Making Her Toes Curl

How To Win The Girl By Making Her Toes Curl

How To Win The Girl By Making Her Toes Curl

During the covid quarantines, we couldn't go to restaurants.

That was a big bummer for my girlfriend and me.

Cause it’s one of our favorite things to do.


We started ordering take-away food.

One day…

I found this excellent restaurant online.

So I start browsing their menus.

And my mouth is watering at all the delicious dishes I see.

It didn’t take long before my eye was caught by a beautiful menu with giant lobsters.

And I had been craving to eat lobsters for a long time.


I order the lobster menu.

And I still remember…

I placed the order on a Thursday to have it delivered on Sunday afternoon.


Since Thursday...

All the way till Sunday…

My girlfriend and I fantasized about eating this delicious-looking meal.


When the food arrived at our place…

It didn't look as well as in the pictures.

Of course not.

In the pics, the food was lying on nice plates.

But they didn’t deliver it on plates.

They delivered it in food boxes.

We then had put it on plates ourselves.

And things got even worse.

Upon delivery, they told us not to warm the lobster.

Cause it was already cooked.

And if you warm an already cooked lobster in the oven…

It becomes like rubber.


We had to eat the lobster cold.

And the whole experience was just a big disappointment.

Cause we were expecting to eat warm lobsters!


That’s something we won’t ever order again!

Cause the experience didn’t meet our expectations.

Here’s my point.

It’s the same with women.

If you follow the method I outlined in this article…


You create visceral attraction first…

Then a deep connection…

And then you arouse her…

Women will have this expectation in their mind.

They will fantasize about having great sex with ya.

And if you don’t deliver upon that experience…

It’s game over.

They won’t come back for more.


If you genuinely want to win the girl…

You also need to learn how to make her toes curl in bed.


You need to be able to give her orgasms.

Now don’t worry.

She doesn’t need to orgasm the first time both of you have sex.

Cause most women don’t.

They’ll be too nervous.

The first time you have sex with someone is usually the worst.

And women know that.

But if after two or three times you still didn’t make her toes curl…

You will likely lose her.


Make sure you polish up your sex skills.

Cause when you do…

You give her the complete package.

A guy that she’s viscerally attracted to…

That she feels a soulmate connection with…

That arouses her…

And can deliver on the goods!

And that, my friend…

Is how you win the girl!

Cause the real key to winning her heart I by first winning her body.

Here’s the science behind it.

Love is created by a chemical in our brain called Oxytocin.

And the most significant amount of Oxytocin is released during orgasm.


When you make a woman orgasm…

Her brain will release a lot of Oxytocin…

And that’s how you really win her heart!


Speaking of Oxytocin…

Let’s dive a bit deeper into…

Secret 5 – How To Win The Girl Through The Science Of Love

How To Win The Girl Through The Science Of Love

How To Win The Girl Through The Science Of Love

When I was studying the science of love…

I came across fascinating scientific studies.

And what surprised me the most…

Is that love isn’t a feeling!

Sadness is a feeling.

Happiness is a feeling.

But love is not.

As we discussed in the previous point…

It’s a chemical that we release called Oxytocin…

Aka the Love Chemical.


The exciting thing about it is that…

The biggest amounts of Oxytocin are released…

When we have an orgasm.

That’s why I said…

The best way to completely win her heart is to go through her body.


There's excellent news.

You don’t have to wait until sex to release Oxytocin in her.

You can do it much earlier.

You see…

Scientists have discovered that Oxytocin is triggered by four things.




And sex.


What that means is…

Simply having a good conversation with a woman…

Will release Oxytocin in her!

The same if you can make her laugh.

(Ever heard women say they want a man that can make 'em laugh? I wonder where that comes from. ;))

The same with touching a woman


This is great news!


That means you can trigger Oxytocin in women…

From the very first minute you meet them.

Simply by learning to be a good conversationalist…

Making her laugh…

And touching her.

Which are all learnable skills.

Remember how I started this post by saying to stop reading all the junk articles on how to win a woman’s heart?

It’s cause they are full of fluff.

Stuff that doesn’t matter.

Stuff that will only overwhelm you.

Cause they talk about so many things!

While the only things you need to focus on are...

Creating attraction…



And triggering Oxytocin.

That’s it.

Do that…

And you will win the girl!

You will win her heart!

Conclusion On How To Win The Girl

Conclusion On How To Win The Girl

Conclusion On How To Win The Girl

If you want to win the girl and more importantly...

If you're going to win her heart…

There are only 5 core things you need to focus on.

All the other things are bells and whistles that will distract and overwhelm you.

Just focus on the 5 things we discussed in this article...

And you can't go wrong.


I'm going to work with a handful of private clients one on one over the following months.

Among other things…

We’ll dive deep into the topics discussed in this article.

If you want to join us, send me an email at [email protected]...

Put "One-on-One" in the subject line…

Tell me a bit about yourself, and I'll get you all the details.


I’ve got to go back to work!

Take it easy.

What are your tips to win her heart? Share your opinion in the comments section below!

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