How To Be A Ladies Man: 5 Ways For Introverts
How To Win The Girl: 5 Secrets To Win Her Heart
By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.
If you want to discover how to make girls want you – as an introvert – look no further.
You found your north star.
In this article…
You'll discover tips that work exceptionally well for introverted men…
And that are backed by science, 35+ years of experience, and tested by introverted men all over the planet.
Let’s get started!
Secret 1 – How To Make Girls Want You As An Introvert
How To Make Girls Want You As An Introvert
Most dating advice… And by “most," I mean 99%... Tries to turn introverts into extroverts. If you’ve ever felt like dating tips are pushing you to become someone you’re not… Like trying to turn you into a gregarious, flaming, alpha male… A pickup artist… Or a bad guy… You know what I’m talking about. None of these things work for introverted men. Plus… They are draining as hell. And worse of all, they attract women that fall for extroverts. Which means… As soon as they find out you tricked them… It’s game over! It’s like conning a vegan into eating steak by telling her it’s tofu. The moment she finds out she’s chewing on beef… She’ll spew it out! That’s why, in this article… I’m going to share with you all the tactics that work for introverts. So you can attract women, naturally… Without becoming someone, you're not. Okay. Let’s have a look at how you do that… Secret 2 – How To Make Girls Want You Even If You’re Butt Ugly Using The Caffeine Trick
How To Make Girls Want You Even If You’re Butt Ugly Using The Caffeine Trick
The other day I was doing my daily walk in nature. And for whatever reason… I started thinking about coffee. More specifically, about how I started drinking it and why I like it. The more I thought about it… The more I realized, I didn't start drinking coffee on its excellent taste. Cause… As a matter of fact, coffee has a bitter taste! Especially when you drink it black as I do. I still remember the very first time I took a sip of that black liquid… It tasted like ass! But… The warm euphoric feeling I got inside… THAT felt good! It was the same with smoking. (Luckily, I stopped that horrible stuff a long time ago). The first time I inhaled a cigarette, I almost coughed my lungs out. But I quickly got addicted to the feeling cigarettes gave me. And suddenly… Inhaling cigarettes tasted good and was pleasant. And so… During my reflective walk… I realized that people can quickly love things that initially disgusted them! On one condition: That those things give them a good “feeling.” It really is the same with making women want you, believe me. Whenever you see an ugly guy dating a super-hot woman. It’s because those he knows how to trigger the feeling of “attraction” in a woman. Cause… As soon as a woman "feels" attraction for a man… His looks don't matter anymore. She'll see him as an attractive guy, regardless. Just like coffee and cigarettes taste good… While they initially tasted terrible. So… If you want to know how to make girls like you… The first thing you must do… Is create attraction in her. And here’s how you can do that, as an introvert. Secret 3 – How To Make Girls Want You By Teasing Them
How To Make Girls Want You By Teasing Them
Teasing is all about busting her balls. It’s about making fun. It’s about making her laugh. Usually, teasing is done… By implying she’s the opposite of how women like to see themselves. For example. Women like to see themselves as: - Intelligent
- Well-mannered
- Nice to animals and kids
I know there’s more… But this is just as an illustration to make a point. So… To tease her, you “imply” that she’s dumb… Has no manners… Or is cruel to kids and animals. Note, I said, “imply." You can’t just tell her… “Hey, you have no mannerisms, and I think you're a cruel person." You must “imply” it. So… For example. Let’s say you want to imply she’s dumb. Well… You could ask her what her favorite movie is. And if she says, Harry Potter, you could say… “Oh nice… did you understand it?” Of course… You say that with a cheeky smile… And in a tone... Which implies she didn't understand the simple plot of Harry Potter. Are you getting this? It’s all about “implying.” Not “insulting!” Okay. The next thing you can do is… Secret 4 – How To Make Girls Want You By Role-Playing
How To Make Girls Want You By Role-Playing
Role-playing can build a lot of attraction. Cause it’s something fun that allows her to go into an imaginary world with you. For example. You could talk about vacations. And when she’s describing her favorite holiday… You can say… “You know what…?" “Let’s just leave tonight. I’ll call my butler and tell him to fuel my private jet.” She’ll likely play along. And now... You can have a whole roleplay about the both of you going on a vacation as a couple. “Okay… I’ll bring the kids to your mom; you iron my shirts. Don’t forget my favorite Hawaii shirt!” See how this is a fun and attractive conversation? Another thing you can do is… Secret 5 – How To Make Girls Want You Using Push-Pull
How To Make Girls Want You Using Push-Pull
Push-pull is an effective technique. Basically… You do or say something that pulls her towards you… But then… You instantly say something that pushes her away. For example. Let’s say she said something you like. You could say… “You know what… I like that about you! You’re awesome!” You’ll see her light up. And then you say… “It’s such a pity you’re a brunette!” And of course, if she’s a blonde… You say the same but replace "brunette" with "blonde." I think you get the point. This works very well. Cause one second, she thinks she won you over… But the next… she realizes she didn’t. It drives women crazy. Test it. You’ll see for yourself. Secret 6 – How To Make Girls Want You, The George Costanza Way
How To Make Girls Want You, The George Costanza Way
Remember Seinfeld? Yeah, the TV Show. Btw, even decades after it's been canceled… People are still loving it! Anyway… A while ago… I read a newsletter from one of my business mentors. He talked about a lesson he learned from that show. More specifically... From the episode where George Costanza did everything in opposites. And even though the lesson was about business… It can be applied to dating too. Especially if you are looking to make beautiful, high-quality women, want you! So… There’s this scene where George Costanza gets a job interview with the New York Yankees. Now… Instead of kissing the owner’s ass… He told him the Yankees sucked… And WHY he believed all the owner’s decisions were big fat mistakes. He got hired on the spot! Then there was this other scene… Where he saw this hot, sexy babe having dinner alone. So he walks up to her. And rather than trying to be someone he’s not and deceive her into a date… He told her he was bald, short, had no job… And still lived with his parents! She instantly went on a date with him. My point? Well… Most guys try to deceive women. By agreeing with every word, they say. And obsessively looking for commonalities. But… Women know what’s going on. And it’s not working. So I say… Let the other team go down that road. We’ll take the “opposite” approach. Cause this can give you a BIG leg up with the ladies – especially with the high-quality ones. Try it. You really might be surprised by the results. An example, you say? Sure thing, buddy! Next time you disagree with a woman… Instead of changing your opinion to match hers and going into "me too" mode… Simply do the opposite! Disagree with her! You'll see that by doing so, you actually create attraction! Cause attraction is created when we break rapport… Not when we build it. And that's the problem. Our whole lives, we've been taught to build rapport with people. Our parents told us to be nice. In school, they told us to be nice. At work, they ask us to be nice. Seriously... Think of any communication course you've ever been on at work. It's all about building rapport and befriending people. But if all you do with a woman is befriend her... Don't act surprised when you land in the friendzone. So next time your date tells you she likes Harry Potter… Don't be afraid to tell her it's lame! Of course, don't be rude! As long as you do it playfully… With a cheeky smile on your face… You'll notice she'll become more attracted to you! Next… Secret 7 – How To Make Girls Want You “More” By Being “Less” Attractive
How To Make Girls Want You “More” By Being “Less” Attractive
One of my clients had a huge problem getting second dates. He told me he couldn’t figure out what was happening. Cause… On each first date… The women were really into him. They laughed. They looked deeply into his eyes. They told him that they wanted to see him again. They even made out with them. In fact… He made out with every single woman he went on a first date with. Yet… He couldn’t get a second date. So… I asked him what he did on his dates. Turns out he used almost all the techniques I described so far… Aka… attraction techniques. But… He didn’t build a connection. I wasn’t surprised at all. Cause it's something, I see happening all the time. A nice guy finds out that being the nice guy isn’t helping him. Then he learns about creating attraction. Women react positively. He loves how they giggle. How they hit him on the arm. And he gets addicted to his newfound power over women. So he creates too much attraction! And in doing so… He forgets to create a deeper bond. Cause he remembers his past... Each time he deeply connected with a woman, he got friend-zoned. And yes… If you only create a connection with a woman, you get friend-zoned. BUT…. If you only create attraction, she’ll see you as a superficial guy. And there’s a powerful lesson to be learned from this: It's not the presence of a connection that gets you friend-zoned – it's the absence of attraction. Likewise… It’s not the presence of attraction that makes you look like a superficial guy – the absence of a connection. See what I mean? You need both. Attraction and a connection. And the reason for this is simple. Most women have a fear of getting pumped and dumped. So… They don't sleep with guys only based on attraction (at least not the high-quality ones). They also want a deep connection. Cause they know… If there's a deep connection… The guy will likely NOT dump ‘em after sex. So… From now on… Build attraction first. Then focus on also building a deep connection. Don’t overdo the attraction! Attraction is like sugar. It can make cupcakes taste very good. But… If you use too much of it… Your cupcakes taste so sweet you can’t eat them. You need to use the right amount and mix it with other ingredients. Next up ( and this one is crazy)… Secret 8 – How To Make Girls Want You By Watching More Porn
How To Make Girls Want You By Watching More Porn
I once came across an interesting study on how women watch porn. And YES… women DO watch porn! But they watch it differently than men do. In fact, there are two main differences. First. When a man watches porn… He focuses on the women’s bodies and all the dirty things they do. But when a woman watches porn, she looks at the faces of the men. She gets off on the “look of desire” in a man’s face. And there’s a reason for that. It’s because a woman’s deepest desire… Is to be desired! Why am I telling you this? Cause… Apart from creating attraction and a bond with women… You also need to show her you desire her “sexually.” Ironic, isn’t it? You must show her you want her for her to want you! And the way you do that… Is by creating sexual tension. Aka… arousal! Cause nothing makes a woman want you more than if she feels aroused by you! But how do you do that? And, NO… You can’t just start talking about your favorite scene from Deep Throat! She’s a woman, for god’s sake! Not a man! Here’s what to do instead. Remember. I told you there are two ways in which women differ when they watch porn. The first I just explained. The second is this. When men watch porn, they’ll fast-forward to the end of the scene. But… Women are more interested in the buildup of the scene. That’s what they prefer to watch! The point? Women are turned on by sensual stuff. Not by sexual stuff. So… One of the easiest ways to turn women on… Is by first talking about sensual things. And then… Slowly evolve to talking about sexual things. For example. You could first talk about massages, first kisses, etc. Then, when she gets in the mood… Start talking about sexual stuff, like her sexual fantasies. Are you getting this? Good. Cause it’s crucial. Secret 9 – How To Make Girls Want You By Giving Them Natural XTC Pills
How To Make Girls Want You By Giving Them Natural XTC Pills
Couple of weeks ago, I saw a piece of a documentary about XTC pills. They called it the love drug. And for a good reason. Apparently… You get butterflies in your stomach… More energy… And you want to hug a lot. The best clip they showed… Was one of a smoking hot chick dancing in a bikini… Making out with a TREE! An effing TREE, for god sake! How crazy is that? Well… It’s not crazy when you understand how chemicals work. Chemicals have the power to make us fall in love! In fact,… Did you know love isn’t a feeling? Nope, it isn’t! It's a chemical that our brain releases called Oxytocin. And the great news is… When you know how to trigger a woman’s brain to release Oxytocin… She will want you more than ever. Cause she’ll fall in love with you. Even if you’re but ugly! Just like the chick in the documentary fell in love with an effing TREE! And when you trigger Oxytocin in a gal… It's like giving her an XTC pill… but a natural one! The question you probably have now is… “How in the heck can I trigger Oxytocin?” Well… Turns out it's pretty simple. There are four ways. Conversation. Laughter. Touch. And sex. When we have a good conversation with someone… Our brain releases Oxytocin. Which means… All you need to do… Is become a good conversationalist! Same with laughter. All you need to do is know how to make women laugh. Same with touch. Did you know we have a whole program… Dedicated to just teaching men how to touch women? Yep. Cause it’s so darn important in triggering Oxytocin. The same with sex. When two people have sex, Oxytocin is released. Now… The really great thing about this… Is that you don’t need to become some outgoing social showboat. You don’t need to become the loud extrovert that entertains big groups of people. Cause a good conversation is made one-on-one! And introverts are pretty good in one-on-one settings. Same with touching and making women laugh. You don’t need to be an extrovert for that. You just need to know how to be fun and how to touch women. And the easiest time to do that… A LOT… Is in a one-on-one situation. Btw… If you want to take a deeper dive into how to trigger Oxytocin… Shoot me an email at [email protected] Put “Oxytocin Class” in the subject line… And I’ll get you all the details. Alright. The next one is also very powerful… Secret 10 – How To Make Girls Want You By Using An Ethical Attraction Secret Of A Supervillain Dating Coach
How To Make Girls Want You By Using An Ethical Attraction Secret Of A Supervillain Dating Coach
A couple of years ago… I found this really crazy technique that boosted my success with women by A LOT. And what’s so crazy about it is that it’s incredibly counterintuitive. In fact, the first time I used it… I expected my success rate to drop. But to my immense surprise, it increased! Now… You might be thinking… “Why the heck did you try a technique that you expected to lower your success?” Well… Here's the backstory. Right after I separated from the mother of my children… I had this phase in my life where I was chasing chicks like crazy again. You know, just like in the old days! I even eff’d myself into a burnout during that period. But that's a story for another time! So… Here’s what happened. In a very short period… I slept with three women who later confessed they had a boyfriend. And since I think that’s one of the worst things a man can do… It made me feel like sh*t! Like I was this supervillain dating coach. Which triggered me to look for a way to make sure it would never happen again. So… I came up with this… Within the first minutes of meeting a woman… I made her double confirm she was single! Yes, TWO times! So obviously, I expected it to lower my success rate. But I didn’t care. Cause it was really high (it wasn’t always like this, tho)… So the thought of decreasing it didn’t bother me… To me… The most important thing was making sure it never happened again. Anyway… As I said, to my big surprise, my success rate increased. So I started speculating. ”How’s this possible?” And a few months later, I discovered the exact reason. You see… Since using this technique, many women told me some version of… "You must have had bad experiences with women who had boyfriends cause you made me confirm so many times I was single." That’s when it clicked. I realized I was triggering the pre-selection switch. Which… If you’ve been reading my other articles… You know it is one of the most potent attraction switches within women. Pre-selection states that a woman becomes attracted to a man when she knows other women are attracted to him. So… I realized that I (unknowingly) signaled to women… “Chicks dig me SO MUCH that they even hide the fact they have boyfriends!” So how can you use pre-selection to your advantage? Well… First of all… Feel free to use my double confirmation technique. But second… And this is a mighty thing to do… Become friends with some women. Seriously. Just befriend them. Don’t hit on them. Don’t try to be their boyfriend. Simply befriend them. Then… When you do activities… Invite them with you. And I’m not just talking about going to bars. I’m talking about other activities too. So… For example. If you’re helping at some volunteering event… Ask your female friends to come with you. If you go to a convention, ask them to come along. And when you do… All the other women in the venue will think you’re a Rockstar. And if there’s one type of guy women go bananas for… it’s Rockstars! Okay. Let’s look at the next one… Secret 11 – How To Make Girls Want You By Using The Old Perfume Secret
How To Make Girls Want You By Using The Old Perfume Secret
Last winter… During one of my daily walks… I crossed paths with a guy who was wearing my favorite fragrance. Well… Not my favorite now… But over two decades ago. Maybe you remember? It’s “Fahrenheit.” Literally one of the best fragrances ever. And I still remember vividly… It was so popular back in the day… At one point… The whole mainstream of my little town smelled like Fahrenheit. Cause every guy and his dog were wearing it. That’s when is stopped using it. Later it was even sold in cheap discount stores. My point? When I smelled Fahrenheit on that guy… I instantly got the idea he was a lower-status person. Why? Cause he was wearing an old fragrance. That’s being sold in cheap stores. I know that sounds arrogant. But… That’s the impression I got. And I know for sure… This guy is not wanted by women. Why? Cause when women smell his Fahrenheit from the '90s… They’ll instantly perceive him as lower status too. And we know from evolutionary psychology…. That women have always been attracted to guys of higher status for survival reasons. So… If you want women to really dig ya… You must become a high-status badass. Luckily this has nothing to do with how much money you make. Or what car you drive. But… It has everything to do with your behavior. Do you have highs-status behaviors? If not… You better develop them! Cause if you don’t… No matter what you do… Women won’t be attracted to you! Btw… If you want to know more about how to build your status… I’m looking for 5 new clients to enroll in my Status Secrets™ masterclass. If that tickles your fancy… Shoot me an email at [email protected]... Put “Status Secrets” in the subject line… And I’ll get you all the details. Okay. Here’s the next one…Secret 12 – How To Make Girls Want You Using The National Geographic Trick
How To Make Girls Want You Using The National Geographic Trick
I once saw a fascinating documentary on National Geographic. It was about wolves. A pack of wolves lost its alpha. So they were without a leader. Right at that moment… There was a lone wolf that walked up to the pack. And he approached one of the females. They were standing head-to-head. And the female was sizing him up. But the male wolf kept his head high. Let her sniff him. Showed extreme confidence. But not aggressive confidence. You could just see the male wolf was sure of himself. A natural leader. And… Boom! The female submitted. And he instantly became the leader of the pack. This was badass to see! And IMO, it was all because he had extreme self-confidence. There was no aggression. No confrontation. It’s the same with women. We all know they are attracted to confident men. So… Make sure to develop your confidence. And here’s a little secret… That you won’t find in other articles. Confidence comes from competence. Which means… The only thing you need to do… Is practice talking to women. Cause the more you talk to girls… The more competent you become. And the more competent you become… The more confident you become! Alright. Up to the next one… Secret 13 – How To Make Girls Want You Using The ONE Thing That Gets All The Hot Chicks
How To Make Girls Want You Using The ONE Thing That Gets All The Hot Chicks
Want to learn the ONE thing that gets all the hot gals? Believe it or not…. It’s hidden inside a story about pancakes! You see… Couple of weeks ago, I was in the mood for pancakes. I had my daughters for the weekend. And we stayed over at my mother’s place. Of course, Yasmina & Yelena instantly agreed. So… Yasmina and I go to the shop to get the ingredients… While Yelena stayed with my mother playing on the Nintendo. We do our shopping. We get back. All is fine. I start cooking… And I wanted to make the most delicious pancakes ever. You know… Show ’em daddy is the KING of pancakes, right? R I G H T? And so I put milk in a bowl… Add pancake mix… Break some eggs… And start mixing everything. But…. Just as I put the pan on the fire and wanted to start working my magic… I realized I forgot to buy butter. So… I look in my mother’s fridge… And I see she has that “fake” butter called “margarine." Disappointed, I start baking pancakes with this fake butter. But I thought, “Hey, it is what it is." So I make the first pancake, and it tastes like ass. At least to me… Cause the children are used to it. Their mother cooks with margarine all the time (not dissing it, I cooked with it too until I met Lucy, who only cooks with good butter). Anyway… I’m complaining cause I know better… And I wanted the kids to taste real pancakes… Made with real butter. You know… Like my grandmother used to make them. So my mother says… “You know what? You stay in the kitchen; I’ll quickly go and get some real butter”. The shop is two minutes from my mother’s house. Five minutes later… She's already back… with the REAL butter. Me, happy, of course. And so I bake the next pancake with REAL butter and… It was like MAGIC. I mean, the smell was different… It looked different (thicker and healthier)… And, of course, it tasted different. EVERYTHING was different! And sooo much better! So… I prepare a pancake for my daughters… And they couldn't believe the difference in taste. "Omg, these pancakes taste so much better, daddy! You’re right, daddy; real butter is much better!" The point (besides me being the KING of pancakes)? Authenticity makes all the difference! And it’s the same in dating. Especially if you want beautiful, high-quality women to desire you! Cause beautiful, high-quality women expect more. They have higher standards. Why? Cause they have options. They can choose. Thus, they are picky. Much more than average women. They don’t want a fake guy. They want a REAL man. Aka… an authentic man! But sadly… That's an arduous task to accomplish as an introvert. Because most dating advice tries to turn introverts into extroverts. Not really authentic IMO. But it doesn’t have to be like this… At least not if you choose so! And if you want help with that… Shoot me a message at [email protected]... Put “Authentic Dating” in the subject line… Tell me a bit about yourself… And I’ll get you all the details. Conclusion On How To Make Girls Want You
Conclusion On How To Make Girls Want You
Making a woman want you has nothing to do with how you look. It has everything to do with how you make her feel… As well as triggering the love chemical in her. This article showed you 13 powerful ways to do that. Simply apply them in your dating life. And you “will” make women want you! Have a great day! Nick Got questions on how to make women want you? Ask them in the comments section below! I'll answer them.